Vase Collection | White Stoneware


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In everyMarais vase, the materials: white stoneware and hardwood — combine to create an object that is both art sculpture and functional. Inspired by the natural beauty of the raw material, Abrantes designed each piece to speak for itself. We named the vases by inspiring women of our century.


Introducing our newest Marais Vases, named after these infamous women of the century: Jane, bell, and Ada.

  • Jane Vase

Inspired by Jane Austen, an English novelist known for her six completed novels, among them the highly adapted Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility.
Size: 3.25′ x 3.25′ x 8′
Materials: White Stoneware, Maple Hardwood
  • bell Vase

Inspired by bell hooks, an American author and social activist that was best known for her writings on race, feminism, and class.
Size: 3.25′ x 3.25′ x 9′
Materials: White Stoneware, Cherry Hardwood
  • Ada Vase

Inspired by Ada Lovelace, an English mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage’s proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine.
Size: 3.25′ x 3.25′ x 8′
Materials: White Stoneware, Walnut Hardwood

Made in the United States and Portugal.



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